I. Name
The name of the organization shall be the Massachusetts Judges Association, doing business as MA Judges Association, Inc. The abbreviation MJA and in any other documents will be understood to take the place of the full name of the organization. A year in MJA runs from January 1 to December 31.
II. Mission Statement
The Mission of MJA shall be to promote the ongoing education and development of qualified adjudicators for the marching arts as well as the development of the members, instructors, and units for the betterment of competing, performing, and the sport of the arts.
III. Goals
As a service association, MJA will communicate with organizations that govern the drum corps, band, winter color guard, percussion, and winds activities in order to educate MJA judges in the proper philosophies and techniques used in those various activities. MJA makes a continual commitment to education through clinics and the discussion of appropriate information to all of its members. MJA also encourages its membership to assume leadership roles in the training and education of all pageantry arts activities.
IV. Membership Specifications
The minimum age for membership is eighteen (18). In order to be a certified working judge, however, a member must be at least twenty-two years of age, and may not be a marching member of a competitive unit.
- Membership options are as follows and will be determined on an individual basis by the Executive Board:
- Associate Level: MJA invites anyone to join us in an observatory capacity at the associate level. Associate Level members pay reduced dues and can attend any education sessions as well as vote at the annual meeting.
- Judge in Training: Judges in training are members in their training phase. These members pay a higher membership fee in their first year of membership to cover training costs. Standard membership fee will apply after the first full year of membership. Training Level members must participate in education sessions, participate in coordinated Field Trials, and work one on one with an assigned mentor. Training Level members will work in tandem with their mentor and the Director of Education towards caption certification. Training Level members can only be working on one caption for certification.
- Judge: Judges are members that are certified to adjudicate at least one caption and show continued growth of skills. Judges pay the standard yearly dues. A judge’s status can be reduced to Training Level in specific caption(s) should a judge fail to participate in required training, clinics, and education sessions for that caption(s) and is determined by the Board and Director of Education to no longer be current or proficient in a specific caption(s).
- All membership levels require active participation within the organization. This includes the annual meeting and fundraising efforts for the scholarship fund.
- Current members renew their membership status by paying their dues by the end of January. New members must pay their dues at the point of application and those dues will cover membership through the end of the current year.
- Membership is subject to approval of the Executive Board. Membership will be denied at any time of the year for significant cause by a 2/3 majority of the Executive Board.
- To attain certification and a position on the MJA judge lists for any season or caption, a member must:
- Pay their dues
- Complete all formal training as outlined in the Education and Training guidelines
- Pass a minimum of two (2) acceptable field trials
- Participate in any required clinics or trainings
- Attempt to attend other clinics and meetings
- Adhere to all background check requirements related to the associations we serve and in the pageantry of arts.
- The responsibility for quality judging rests with the individual member with assistance from the association through ongoing training opportunities. MJA does not hire judges for contests, therefore it should be understood that judges are responsible for satisfying the units and coordinators with the quality of their work. MJA will always provide updated rosters and foster relationships with circuit partners.
- If a former MJA member returns after the passage of two or more years, The Director of Education along with Caption Heads will monitor and provide education training to keep the returning member current in their area of expertise.
- All members are required to participate within the organization and attend or review the materials from the annual general body meeting. Members not meeting requirements may have their membership reviewed by the Executive Board.
- Members must read and adhere to the membership manual. The manual specifically outlines matters related to sexual misconduct, violent crime, and abhorrent behaviors. If a matter has been brought to the attention of the Executive board, the board will meet promptly at an executive session and consider at its discretion the following outcomes related to the specific matter at hand:
- No Action
- Temporary Suspension
- Termination of Membership
V. Government
- Robert's Rules of Order shall be the governing rules for MJA when a question of order arises. Any member may ask for the formal use of Roberts’ Rules at any time.
- Final authority rests with the General Membership. After the annual general body meeting, the Executive Board acts on behalf of the General Membership. (In order to request a full meeting of the general membership, a letter signed by ten (10) members in good standing must be presented to the Executive Board. The Executive Board will then call a special meeting of the Association within sixty (60) days.
- The officers of MJA will be President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer and three (3) at large Executive Board Members.
- Elections for President, and (2) members of the Executive Board will be held on odd numbered years. Elections for the Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and (1) member of the Executive Board will be held on even numbered years. Vacancies may create the need for special elections, which may be held by mail or electronically. The Executive Board shall be elected by the Association’s membership from a slate of names submitted for consideration by the Nominations Committee. The President appoints the Chair of the Nominations Committee for a one-year term. The slate of names must be submitted to the membership for consideration and elections shall be conducted electronically starting on December 1 of each year with elections to close on December 31. The term for all elected Board members is two years. The term of office shall commence on January 1st of the year in which the member of the Board is elected.
- The President will appoint the position of Education Coordinator and (3) of the appointed liaison positions will all serve on the Executive Board and carry one vote each.
- By-Laws are to be reviewed and open for recommendations annually. A call for review and recommendation will be sent to all current members 45 days prior to the annual meeting. All recommendations should be forwarded to the Executive Board no later than 30 days prior to the annual meeting where any recommendations will be reviewed and voted on by the general body.
- Past-Presidents may attend executive board meetings for a term of one year after their presidency ends, excluding executive sessions. Past Presidents may attend thereafter at the invitation of the Board.
- All elected and appointed officials of the organization will attend an orientation session following the annual meeting and will be required to attest to the fact that they have read the by-laws and understand their role and responsibilities as a leader of the organization.
VI. Responsibilities of the Governing Officers
As it specifically relates to the secretary/treasurer position(s), the executive board (has the ability to) will determine whether there should be an independent secretary and treasurer, or a combined position.
- The President Shall:
- Preside over all meetings
- Appoint caption chairpersons (liaisons)
- Appoint any subcommittees
- Foster relationships with circuit partners
- Receive and keep records as necessary
- Call Executive Board Meetings at least every two months
- Enforce the governing rules of the association
- Keep officers and members current
- Call for nominees for the annual elections
- Run any elections or special elections except for the President’s position when it is up for re-election
- The Vice President Shall:
- Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence
- Assist the President in any duties listed above
- Foster relationships with circuit partners
- Replace the President, if that office becomes vacant and hold a new election at the next general body meeting for the President and Vice-President if necessary
- Run elections when the President is up for re-election
- The Treasurer shall:
- Sign MJA checks
- Maintain receipts for any expenses and disbursements
- Maintain the MJA Financial Accounts
- Submit financial reports at meetings
- Maintain tax responsibilities
- Renew annual non-profit liability insurance policy for current directors and officers of the association
- The Secretary Shall:
- Maintain any minutes of General Body Meetings
- Maintain any minutes of Executive Board Meetings
- Maintain the MJA Roster
- Make MJA Roster Available to Associations
- Send regular communications to the Association
Responsibilities of the Executive Board:
- The Executive Board Shall:
- Approve all Appointments
- Meet at least every two months during the MJA year
- Approve disbursement of funds
- Have authority to withhold membership
- Oversee application of the Governing Rules
- Submit proposals for approval
- Hear any member, in person, for any reason
- The Education Coordinator shall:
- Work with the following Education Liaisons to ensure that the Education process is in place for all participants: Visual Winter Guard, Visual Fall Band, Visual Winter Percussion, Music Percussion Music Winds and Music Fall Band
- Education coordinator works with each circuit to inform them of Trial needs; and introduce applicable Education Liaison. Once introduced, the Education Liaison will work with the applicable Trainee and Circuit Coordinator to schedule Trials.
- Education Coordinator provides on-going input to the board on progress of new judges, existing judges expanding captions, and any issues with new experienced judges.
- Education Coordinator works with the Chief Judge from each circuit to discuss MJA judge performance on an ongoing basis
- Work one on one with the Education Liaison for any judge that maybe having issues be it a new judge, or a judge learning a new caption
- The Education Coordinator will discuss with the Chief Judge from each circuit any experienced judge issues or concerns and implement the applicable education plan with the judge in preparation for the next season. Education Liaisons will not be involved in this process
- At the conclusion of a season, the Education Coordinator will perform the following:
- Working with each Education Liaison discuss the progress and future education needs for all new judges, and judges learning new captions
- Provide the board with a full report of all judges in training progress, and future education plans
- Provide the board with progress report of each Education Liaison and any needs for change
- Work with each Education Liaison to recruit new and experienced judges
- The Education Liaisons will implement applicable education plans based on coordinated efforts and discussion with the Education Coordinator.
VIII: Executive Board Status:
- Executive Board membership can be revoked at any time for significant cause by a 2/3 majority of the Executive Board members.
- To maintain membership standing on the board, a member must:
- Attend all Executive Board meetings unless excused by the President
- Participate in all MJA sponsored fundraisers
- Assist in preparation and presentation of annual meeting
- Participate in any MJA sponsored clinics and other meetings
- Submit a background check beginning your first year of service of the term immediately after the annual general body meeting. The association will provide the vendor and bore the initial cost.
- Sign annual attestation of adherence to the responsibilities of the Governing Officers.
IX: Nominations and Elections
- The President shall appoint a chair of the nominations committee who will oversee the process of accepting nominations from the membership, reviewing nominations, interviewing candidates, and presenting a final slate of candidates to the Executive Board for approval.
- An announcement regarding nominations will be forwarded to membership in September of each year. Only members in good standing are eligible for nomination. Nominations will be accepted through the last day of October.
- The committee will review nominations and interview candidates during the month of November and present a final slate of candidates to the Executive Board by the last day of November.
- Elections will be held during the month of December using online voting. All positions can appear on the same form, but the positions of President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer will be treated as separate elections. One election will fill all open at-large positions for the Executive Board.
- Elections will be held during the month of December using online voting. All positions can appear on the same form, but the positions of President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer will be treated as separate elections. One election will fill all open at-large positions for the Executive Board.
- No person shall hold more than one elected office.
- If an officer or executive board position such as: President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, or Executive Board member has no nominations submitted by the deadline, the newly appointed executive board will have the responsibility to solicit a nomination/s and hold a special election as soon as possible to fill the vacant role. The vote to approve the candidate(s) solicited and vetted by the Board will be conducted online.
- The President shall appoint a Board Member to tally the votes and a second Board member to validate the results.
X. Order of Business for the Annual Meeting
- Call to Order
- Secretary – Treasurer Report
- Business of the Previous Year
- By-Law Changes (only in a by-law change year)
- Present the newly elected slate of candidates to the membership
- New Business
- General Discussion for the good of MJA
- Adjournment
XI. Meetings
- There is one scheduled Annual Meeting per year to be determined by the Executive Board.
- Other General Meetings may be called as needed.
- The Executive Board shall meet at least every two months during the calendar year.
- To conduct official Executive Board meetings there must be a quorum, defined as at least two officers and two other elected members of the Executive Board.
- Clinics, educational seminars, dance, theater and other such presentations may be scheduled during the year. There must be at least two weeks prior notification to allow for attendance. Such meetings are not considered mandatory, unless dates are discussed at the General Body Meeting and the membership is informed of the content of the mandatory nature of the meeting.
- Absence from the above mandatory meetings carries the responsibility of the member to obtain and use pertinent information received and distributed.
XII. Fees
Annual Dues for the Association are determined by the Board of Directors in alignment with budget requirements for the year and can be adjusted upon recommendation of the President to the Executive Board at the annual general body meeting.
- Dues levels for membership will be set in the following categories:
- Associate Level
- Judge in Training
- Judge
- The dues of the officers and the Executive Board, the Education Coordinator, The Director of Communications, and the appointed caption liaisons will be waived for the current year(s) of service. Past-President dues will always be waived for past years of service.